Lauren Brett Randolph

passion provocateur


About Lauren

Lauren has been coaching in one form or another for almost 30 years.  She spent 10 years in high performance athletics (National Team Coach for Canada’s Rhythmic Gymnastics Team) and eventually moved into the arts sector where she managed the Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts for 13 years. Lauren is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach, as well as an ACC member in good standing with the International Coach Federation. She uses her knowledge and intuition to help people transform and grow into the incredible human beings they always were. She supports people to find ways to really show up in their lives, to make choices based on what they want, what matters most to them and what they value. In her spare time you can find Lauren cutting a rug on the dance floor, kayaking the waters of Georgian Bay, hiking the Niagara Escarpment, giggling with her kids and generally seeking extraordinary experiences with passionate people.

You + Impact: What does the word "impact" mean for you?

Impact for me means *showing up*. The impact that I have in the world is that I continually push past my comfort zone, out of the myth of perfection...into mess, into vulnerability, into order to grow. I inspire others to come along for the ride because it's wild and wonderful!

You + Aliveness: What makes you feel most alive? 

I am most alive when I am out in nature because I feel free and unencumbered. My aim is to keep bringing this feeling of aliveness into my daily life, which for me means showing up big, shiny and unapologetic because it feels damn good to choose to be IN life! No shrinking allowed.